Wayside Shrines

4193 E. Ore Branch Road, Bloomfield, IN 47424; (812) 384-3813
Please Note: Extra fees may apply if shipping outside the 48 contiguous USA states. Please contact us for details.

Our current backlog of orders prevents us from taking any new orders at this time. Thanks and God Bless!
Our Alpine shrines’ rustic details are carved into western red cedar, suitable for outdoor exposure. With yearly care, you can maintain the new wood appearance or let it age gracefully to a weathered silver cedar color. The resin corpus of Our Lord is imported from Italy. We currently make three sizes, each with a different carved design on the barge board and front plate. A custom engraved prayer plate is an option for an additional cost. The shrines come complete with hardware suitable for mounting on a post. You may purchase the post from us or use your own post.
Please allow at least ten weeks for delivery. Please know that our actual delivery time can vary depending upon our workload.
Large Alpine Shrine
Our Large Alpine Shrine is 29" high from roof peak to bottom of lower carved plate. The Italian resin corpus is 12” tall. The front barge board and bottom plate are carved with a Fireweed flower design symbolic of the Holy Spirit.
Small Alpine Shrine
Our Small Alpine Shrine is 23" high. The Italian resin corpus is 9” tall. The front barge board and bottom plate are carved with a vine design symbolic of Jesus, the Vine. John 15:5 "I am the Vine, you are the branches".
Uncarved Alpine Shrine Post
Our post is bevel cut at the top, stained cedar, and measures 4 x 4 x 96. This post is not carved.

Carved Post for Our Alpine Wayside Shrines
The carving down the front of the post mimics the design carved into the Alpine shrine’s decorative front barge board. The words “Passion of Christ strengthen us” are carved on the sides. The post is 4 x 4 x 96.
Petite Alpine Shrine
Our Petite Alpine Shrine is 15" high. The Italian resin corpus is 6” tall. The front barge board and bottom plate are carved with a snapdragon design symbolic of Infant Jesus’ shoes.

4193 E. Ore Branch Road, Bloomfield, IN 47424; (812) 384-3813
Please Note: Extra fees may apply if shipping outside Continental USA. Please contact us for details.
Petite Alpine Shrine with 6 inch St. Francis or St. Anthony of Padua
Our Petite Alpine Shrine is 15" high. Same basic design as our Petite Alpine Shrine but the 6 inch corpus is replaced with a 6 inch resin statue of St. Francis or St Anthony. Depth of the shrine is slightly deeper to accommodate the statue.
